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Brown Eyed Girl

Brown Eyed Girl

Standing in the sunlight laughing
Hide behind a rainbow's wall

With you, my brown-eyed girl
You, my brown-eyed girl

[Van Morrison, Brown-eyed girl]

It’s the New Year and I am sitting here planning the year ahead. Sometimes I’ll write a date and it’ll hit me that you never wrote that date, you never made plans for that date. It sounds obvious when I say it out loud. Silly really, in the scheme of things. It’s odd the things that make me think of you. 

I haven’t heard from you in a while now. The other day I was listening to Browned Eyed Girl by Van Morrison and began thinking of you. In fact, you had green eyes. I claim poetic licence but really it’s just any excuse to think of you. Which is no bad thing I guess; it keeps you alive, to me at least. 

In the background, I have on the new series of Silent Witness. Perhaps ill-advised when I’m thinking of you. The show is bloody good though, so it’s worth the pay off. It’s not really a “background” kind of show. Every time I look up, I realise I’ve missed some key piece of information. Back I go with that rewind button. I have been watching the hour-long show for 45 mins and the timer at the bottom of the screen indicates that I have another 45 to go. Not strictly in line with my resolution to be more efficient with my time. I feel there must be some proverb in this: “more speed, less haste” perhaps. I truly believe multi-tasking is the enemy of efficiency. Or it’s a myth fobbed off on women to try to make up for the fact that we can’t pee standing up. That is unless we’re willing to make a serious mess, and who has the time to clear that up?

The train home

The train home